Work Package Phase
ID Type Categories/Phase Status Action
89 Social Media Smm Work management
88 Development Development Hiring
87 SEO Meeting with Client and Team
86 SEO GA Setup + Tracking
85 SEO Technical On Page
84 SEO Page On Page
83 Social Media Paid tasks
82 Social Media Organic tasks
81 Work Management Freelance Hiring
79 Sales 1
78 Sales Payment Collection
77 Work Management Day Planning ( TraininginSEO & Shoutnhike )
76 Sales TraininginSEO Backend Work
75 Sales Training prospect office visit counseling.
74 Sales Shoutnhike Project Presentation with the prospect
73 Sales LinkedIN Lead generation and Response work
72 Work Management TraininginSEO Work
71 Design Designer Allocation
70 Work Management Internal Meetings
64 Development Miscellaneous Development Task
63 GA + GTM GA 4 Integration
62 HR Discussion
61 SEO YouTube Video Optimization
60 Work Management Project Handover
59 Sales Outbound conversion
58 Sales Miscellaneous Tasks
57 R & D Knowledge Enhancement
56 Meeting Meeting with team
55 Meeting Meeting with Chirag sir
54 R & D New Tools Finding
53 Meeting PPC Meeting (2 time a Week)
52 GA + GTM Performance Analysis
51 HR Employee Hand over
50 R & D New Enhancement
49 Development Testing
48 PPC Code Implementation
47 Social Media Discussion with SMM Team and Client
46 PPC Discussion with PPC Team and Client
45 Development Discussion with Team and Client
44 Development Support
43 Development Website Live
42 Development Quality Control
41 Development CMS Integration
40 Development Content
39 Development HTML
38 HR Admin
37 HR Performance Management
36 HR Pay Roll
35 HR Recruitment
34 Development CRM Integration
33 Sales Extra work for shoutnhike
28 Sales Leads Follow up and conversion
27 Sales Reviews
26 R & D Research for paid Marketing
25 Sales Payment Reminder
24 Sales Sales
23 Development Design
22 Development Set up
21 Development Team Discussion
20 Development Introduction Email
19 Development Structure
18 Development Sample Design
17 Development Team
16 SEO Website performance Measurement
15 SEO On Page
14 SEO Work + GA Reporting to Client
13 Social Media Social Networking
12 SEO Local Business Submission
11 SEO Developer & Designer Task Allocation
10 SEO Competitor Analysis
9 SEO Webmaster Account Creation
8 SEO Goal Configuration
7 SEO New client on board
6 SEO Available Data
5 PPC Email Marketing
4 SEO Link Building
3 PPC Paid Marketing
2 Meeting Client Meeting Enable
1 Meeting Internal Team Meeting Enable